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Flower Branch



Examining Legislation and Trends in Healthcare Pricing: A Research Agenda for Consumer Well-Being

 Deidre Popovich and Kellilynn M. Frias, forthcoming in the Journal of Consumer Affairs.

The Impact of Cultural Health Capital on Market Choice along the Texas-Mexico Border

Emilia Amaro, Jordan Rodriguez, Deziree Jackson, Deidre Popovich, Kellilynn M. Frias, and Ernesto Castañeda (2023), "The Impact of Cultural Health Capital on Market Choice along the Texas-Mexico Border," forthcoming in the Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities.

A Theory of Product-Form Strategy: When to Market Know-how, Components, or Systems?

Frias, Kellilynn M., Mrinal Ghosh, Narayan Janakiraman, Dale F. Duhan, and Robert F. Lusch

Perceived Market Risk in New Ventures: A Study of Early-Stage Business Angel Investment Screening

Frias, Kellilynn M., Deidre Popovich, Dale F. Duhan, and Robert F. Lusch

An Experiential Approach to Teaching Mixed Methods Research

Frias, Kelli and Deidre Popovich (2020), "An Experiential Approach to Teaching Mixed Methods Research," Journal of Education for Business, 95 (3), 193-205.

Transdisciplinary Collaborative Research Exploration for Undergraduate Engineering Students

Ertas, Atila, Heather Greenhalgh-Spencer, Utku Gulbulak*, Turgut Batuhan Baturalp*, and Kellilynn M. Frias

Re-examining the “Service” of Education from a Service-Dominant Logic Perspective: Implications for Women in Business

Frias, Kellilynn M. and James R. Carver

Shifting Engineering Education from Disciplinary to Transdisciplinary Practice

Ertas, Atila, Kellilynn M. Frias, Derrick Tate, and Susan Back

Pricing Formats for Branded Components in Industrial Markets: An Integration of Transaction Cost Economics and the Resource-Based View

Lo, Desmond, Kellilynn M. Frias, and Mrinal Ghosh

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